Solidarity photos #afghanistannotsafe

Anyone who wants to show solidarity with those affected and who wants to support the protests, is called to take creative pictures, alone or with his/her group. These can be added with the hashtag #afghanistannotsafe and posted around on social networks to draw attention to the deportation nationwide.

We are happy if you send us the photos by mail ( or facebook message, so we can also share them about our site and on the blog.

Furthermore, we ask you to send  a protest fax and / or a a protestmail to the Ministry of the Interior on Tuesday!

General fax no. of the BMI (Ministry of the Interior) is: 030 18681-12926,

You may do that with the following text:

Dear Minister of the Interior,
I protest against deportations to Afghanistan!
Human rights apply to all people. Deportations offend
human rights.
You know that Afghanistan is not safe! Stop the
I declare my solidarity with the refugees.